
From Our Scientific Founders

Tan, L.S., Chen, J.T., Lim, Y.X.L., and Teo, K.K.A. (2022). Manufacturing clinical-grade human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived beta cells for diabetes treatment. Cell Proliferation 55(8), e13232


Lau, H.H.#, Gan, S.U.#, Lickert, H., Shapiro, J.A., Lee, K.O., and Teo, K.K.A. (2021). Charting the next century of insulin replacement with cell and gene therapies. Med 2, 1138-1162.

#First authors


Soetedjo, A.A.P.#, Lee, J.M.#, Lau, H.H.#, Goh, G.L., An, J., Koh, Y.X., Yeong, W.Y., and Teo, K.K.A. (2021). Tissue engineering and 3D printing of bioartificial pancreas for diabetes. Trends Endo Metab 32(8), 609-622.

#First authors


Tan, L.S., Chew, S.E.R., Ng, H.J.N., and Teo, K.K.A. (2021). Protocol for the generation of pancreatic and hepatic progenitors from human pluripotent stem cells for gene regulatory assays. STAR Protocols 2(2), 100471.


Ng, H.J.N., Neo, W.Y.C, Ding, S.L.S., and Teo, K.K.A. (2021). Insights from single cell studies of human pancreatic islets and stem cell-derived islet cells to guide functional beta cell maturation in vitro. Vitamins and Hormones, Volume 116, 193-233.


Chan, J.W., and Teo, K.K.A. (2020). Replicates in stem cell models – how complicated! Stem Cells 38, 1055-1059.


Tan, W.X.#, Lau, H.H.#, Tan, N.S., Khoo, C.M., and Teo, K.K.A. (2021). Considerations in using human pluripotent stem cell-derived pancreatic beta cells to treat type 1 diabetes. Recent Advances in iPSCs for Therapy, Volume 3, 173-197.

#First authors


Amirruddin, N.S.#, Low, S.J.B.#, Lee, K.O., Tai, E.S.*, and Teo, K.K.A.* (2019). New insights into human beta cell biology using human pluripotent stem cells. Semin Cell Dev Biol 103, 31-40.

#First authors

*Corresponding authors


Ng, H.J.N., Tan, W.X., Koh, Y.X., and Teo, K.K.A. (2019). Human islet isolation and distribution efforts for clinical and basic research. OBM transplantation 3, 1-31.

Edited by Tatsuya Kin, M.D. Ph.D.


Ng, H.J.N.#, Jasmen, B.J.#, Lim, C.S., Lau, H.H., Krishnan, V.G., Kadiwala, J., Kulkarni, R.N., Raeder, H., Vallier, L., Hoon, S., and Teo, K.K.A. (2019). HNF4A haploinsufficiency in MODY1 abrogates liver and pancreas differentiation from patient-derived iPSCs. iScience 16, 192-205.

#First authors


Ng, H.J.N., and Teo, K.K.A. (2018). Heterogeneity and cell fate flux in single human pancreatic islet cells. Cell Death Disease 9, 222.


Teo, K.K.A.*, Lim, C.S., Cheow, L.F., Kin, T., Shapiro, J.A., Kang, N.-Y., Burkholder, W., and Lau, H.H. (2018). Single cell analyses of human islet cells reveal de-differentiation signatures. Cell Death Discovery 4, 14.

*Corresponding author


Loo, S.W.L., Lau, H.H., Jasmen, B.J., Lim, C.S., and Teo, K.K.A.(2018). An arduous journey from human pluripotent stem cells to functional pancreatic β-cells. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 20, 3-13.